Luís Lobo
2016-07-13 21:48:14 UTC
Hi all.
I'm trying to transfer a large number of small files to a remote server (with reasonable latency) using JSch.
The code I'm using creates a Session and a ChannelSftp and then iterates over the local files (some times thousands) to transfer them to the server, with something like (I omitted exception handling for simplicity):
Session session=...;
ChannelSftp sftp=(ChannelSftp)session.openChannel("sftp");
for(Path path:...){
sftp.put(path.toString(), String.format("/destination/%s",path.getFileName().toString()));
The problem is this is very slow (sometimes it takes hours) compared with the something like:
rsync -avu /local/<some glob> server:/destination/ # takes seconds
Is there any faster way to transfer large number of small files with JSch?
I'm trying to transfer a large number of small files to a remote server (with reasonable latency) using JSch.
The code I'm using creates a Session and a ChannelSftp and then iterates over the local files (some times thousands) to transfer them to the server, with something like (I omitted exception handling for simplicity):
Session session=...;
ChannelSftp sftp=(ChannelSftp)session.openChannel("sftp");
for(Path path:...){
sftp.put(path.toString(), String.format("/destination/%s",path.getFileName().toString()));
The problem is this is very slow (sometimes it takes hours) compared with the something like:
rsync -avu /local/<some glob> server:/destination/ # takes seconds
Is there any faster way to transfer large number of small files with JSch?